Great Awakening Tour City # 24 Cocoa, Florida | Richie K Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I led 4 Hispanics to the Lord before they left on their trip on a plane and they accepted Him into their lives and heart. I led a man to Christ and he began to cry. Montecalvo shopping center – Man says I am Buddhist – soul winner proceeds with gospel – the he asked to see Gospel Script and read prayer out loud receiving Christ. Amy led his mother to the Lord. Gave him VCD. This experience was awesome just to see how many people came to know the Lord but on the other hand there are so many rude people out there but I led four people to Christ and my goal was eight. Yah now I know I will meet all the people I led to Christ in heaven.

Richie K
Florida United States