Category Archives: Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne – Karen C. Testimony

This week at the Great Awakening, it has been just incredible! It was the week of the Winter Camp meeting. And persons from all over America and the world were here in Tampa, FL at the revival meetings. I had the privilege of working the registration table, hospitality, phones and outreach! The Lord is so good because this passion of soul winning has been igniting every person that steps foot into the River Church. The CTN broadcasts have been amazing! And the after broadcast services have been indescribable!

Rodney Howard Brown stated that the glory of God, the presence of God and the anointing that is felt in the church is real. As the 92 year old sister said last Sunday, “Now this is what I call church!” It really is! The anointing is truly tangible and transferable. Pastor has been preaching the past couple of nights on the Great Commission. It’s like I have been recharged yet again with a new boldness to expect signs to follow the preaching of the Word. It should just naturally come with it! I’ve seen persons who have been in church many years this week get touched and full of the fire of God and receive a passion for the lost and get on the streets to win souls and receive a life-changing transformation.

They have a testimony and their lives will never be the same again. I am that same person and before revival and receiving the fire of God and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I wasn’t winning souls either. But it is awesome to see so many people catching the same passion and vision to be going after the same thing Jesus did – souls! Hallelujah!  -Karen C.

Rodney Howard Browne – Amie J. Testimony

The second week of The Great Awakening, and it seems like it has been a month already because of how much God has already done! I had the privilege to give a testimony one of the night services this week about how God healed a woman that I prayed with during soul winning. Since I was going to be on TV, I told my family to watch the show. Rodney Howard Brown stated that well, the word got around fast through even my distant family, and tons of my unsaved family ended up watching it just to see me! The best part is, family was able to watch from many different states. I believe their lives have been greatly touched because they are a witness to what God is doing in my life. They also had many seeds sown just during the time they watched The Great Awakening show.

This has truly opened my eyes to the vast impact The Great Awakening is having on America. This is huge! Many people I know from all over the US have seen through my Facebook page about The Great Awakening. Some have even watched it, one woman tapes it every night and watches them when she gets home. Her life has been radically transformed just by watching on her TV at home. The fact that the power & presence of God is transforming people in their homes is amazing me. It shows you that there’s no box we can place God in. We can’t just think that our only way of getting people saved or transformed is if we get them in the four walls of our church. God is so much bigger than that! All in all, this past week has really changed my perspective on how big God really is!-Amie J.

Rodney Howard Browne – Sarah H. Testimony

What an awesome week celebrating the Lord and being a part of the Great Awakening. I am enjoying every service that I am able to watch. I can’t wait until Saturday as me and my family hit the streets of Tampa, Florida winning souls for Jesus Christ. Rodney Howard Brown stated that last Saturday was an amazing day. We were a part of the weekly soul winning team here at the River Church that takes place at 9:30 am. We saw salvations, rededications, and baptisms in the Holy Spirit. I spoke with an elderly lady that was full of love and was touched by the Spirit of God as tears streamed down her face when asking Jesus Christ to be her Lord and Savior. She said that I confirmed something in her heart and I know that this was a divine appointment set up from up above.

This is one of many things that I fortunate to be a part of. What an honor to be a soul winner and working for the kingdom of Heaven.  I see life in the eyes of the lost, and freedom in the hearts of the condemned. I remember how that was me, and as miserable as I was, I knew of no way to be free. This is my life’s desire, to be one with Jesus and doing what He did. I love Him and praise Him for what He has done for me and the whole world. So as me and my family set out to go soul winning this Saturday, I know that great things are going to happen. All Glory to God!    Hallelujah! –Sarah H.


And then a certain lawyer arose to try (test, tempt) Him, saying, Teacher, what am I to do to inherit everlasting life [that is, to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]? 26 Jesus said to him, What is written in the Law? How do you read it? 27 And he replied, You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. 28 And Jesus said to him, You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live [enjoy active, blessed, endless life in the kingdom of God]. 29 And he, determined to acquit himself of reproach, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor?  Luke 10:25-29 AMP


This lawyer tried to trip Jesus up and expose Him by asking an argumentative question. However the lawyer was the one whose heart was exposed. Jesus knew the Word of God and submitted Himself to it. He did not preach His own doctrines or draw people after Himself, but He always pointed people to the Father and to the Word of God. Jesus answered the question with a question, “What does the Word say? What does the law say?”


The lawyer quoted the law in reply, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”  Jesus told him, “That’s exactly right – now go and do it!” This embarrassed the lawyer, because he was looking for an argument and he wanted to put Jesus on the spot. Instead Jesus put him on the spot. Instead of shutting up and leaving, he tried to save face and maintain his pride by asking, “Who exactly is my neighbor?” Jesus answered with a story.


Jesus, taking him up, replied, A certain man was going from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him of his clothes and belongings and beat him and went their way, [unconcernedly] leaving him half dead, as it happened. 31 Now by coincidence a certain priest was going down along that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 A Levite likewise came down to the place and saw him, and passed by on the other side [of the road]. 33 But a certain Samaritan, as he traveled along, came down to where he was; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity and sympathy [for him], 34 And went to him and dressed his wounds, pouring on [them] oil and wine. Then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii [two day’s wages] and gave [them] to the innkeeper, saying, Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I [myself] will repay you when I return. 36 Which of these three do you think proved himself a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers? 37 He answered, The one who showed pity and mercy to him. And Jesus said to him, Go and do likewise.  Luke 10:30-37 AMP


Here this man was beaten and robbed and left for dead out on the open road. A priest came by and saw him, but did nothing to help him. All he did was move as far over to the other side of the road as possible and hurry by. A Levite came by after that and did the exact same thing. Then a Samaritan came by. He did not do what the priest and the Levite had done – he stopped and helped the man. He dressed and bound his wounds, placed him on his own transportation – his beast – and took him to an inn. He gave the innkeeper money and instructed him to take care of the wounded man. He promised to come back by later and to reimburse the innkeeper for any further charges he might incur taking care of him.


This was not a small thing he did. He was on his way conducting his business and this man was a perfect stranger to him. He went out of his way to help this man; he spent his time and his money on this man who was nobody to him. He could have hurried away and minded his own business like the others, but he didn’t. Maybe he thought to himself, “If I had been coming down this road a little earlier, it might have been me lying helplessly on the road right now!” and he had compassion on the man. The priest and the Levite may even have felt sorry for the wounded man, but not enough to inconvenience themselves in any way. The Samaritan did not just feel sorry for him, he did something about it.


The Jews despised the Samaritans and looked down on them. They thought that they were better than them and that they weren’t “saved” and yet the Samaritan, alone, proved himself to be the good neighbor. He showed himself to be a man of character and integrity. It is not our heritage, our title, or position that matters to God. He is pleased when we walk in love an when we are humble and kind. It is our generosity of spirit that matters above all else.


Withhold not good from those to whom it is due [its rightful owners], when it is in the power of your hand to do it.   Proverbs 3:27